In The News

Ellis Shuman October 12, 2003
The German newspaper Der Speigel recently reported that the Israeli Military has developed a detailed plan to destroy Iranian nuclear sites with a preemptive air attack. In addition to the possible airstrike, Israel has enhanced its submarine capabilities in order to be able to launch nuclear warheads by sea, complementing its pre-existing ability to deploy nuclear weapons by air and land. Senior...
Mustafa El-Labbad October 10, 2003
Iran's enrichment of depleted uranium has been the subject of increasing concern in the international community recently, particularly by the US. This article in Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly argues that by using the UN's nuclear inspection arm, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to put pressure on Tehran, Washington is not only seeking to force Iran to reveal its nuclear...
October 8, 2003
While terrorism continues to preoccupy Western countries, some security thinkers worry about the disintegration of the non-proliferation regime. North Korea has withdrawn from the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and Iran may follow suit. In an interview with YaleGlobal Editor Nayan Chanda, President of the International Crisis Group and former Foreign Minister of Australia Gareth Evans...
Michael O'Hanlon October 6, 2003
It is now official that American inspectors have been unable to find any weapons of mass destruction within Iraq, contradicting pre-war claims by the Bush and Blair administrations about imminent threat from Saddam Hussein's possession of chemical and biological weapons. The lack of evidence has made the public doubt the original justifications for the Iraqi invasion. Michael O'Hanlon...
R. Jeffrey Smith October 4, 2003
In an effort to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons, the US has made an effort to reduce global trade in bomb-grade uranium, which is often used for medical isotope production. In recent years, Washington has required isotope-producing firms to move towards use of low-enriched uranium, which has less destructive capabilities. But a provision in an energy bill currently under consideration by the...
October 3, 2003
Iran faces harsh international scrutiny in coming weeks about its nuclear weapons program as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) begins new inspection. In question are traces of weapon’s grade enriched uranium found in Iran that Tehran officials claim were contaminated before Iran received them. The IAEA has warned that Iran could face international sanctions backed by the US if Iran...
Sim Sung-tae October 2, 2003
Though the US has made an effort to keep the security issues of North Korea and Iraq separate, South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun views them as connected. President Roh hesitates to deploy any troops to the Middle East, thus sending an "indirect message" to the US to consider the non-aggression pact that North Korea has been demanding. According to the author, as the US continues to...