In The News

John R. Bolton March 6, 2003
U.S. Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton writes in this week's Far Eastern Economic Review on the difference between Iraq and North Korea, and why they deserve different responses from the United States and its allies. Mr. Bolton says that while the US has "run all conceivable diplomatic and economic options to their logical conclusion without a modicum of success" in Iraq, in...
Seo Hyun-jin March 6, 2003
Talking in Seoul, experts on Korean politics proclaimed that North Korea’s interception of a US reconnaissance plane was a pre-negotiation effort designed to pressure Washington. North Korea, said one analyst, is hoping to begin talks with the US before Washington enters into a war in Iraq. – YaleGlobal
Jeff Gerth March 6, 2003
Two months after the US State Department accused Hughes Electronics Corporation and Boeing Satellite Systems of 123 violations of export laws in connection with the Chinese data transfers in the 1990's, the two firms agreed to pay a record $32 million in penalties to settle the charges. Because the technology used in launching civilian rockets is similar to that used in launching missiles,...
James Goodby March 5, 2003
Diplomat-in-residence at Stanford University James Goodby and Councilor of the Atlantic Council of the United States Kenneth Weisbrode outline the many reasons why bilateral talks should be preferred over a pre-emptive attack on North Korea. They argue in the Financial Times that the US is too occupied over the Middle East and Saddam Hussein, and will be for a long time, that its navy is spread...
David E. Sanger March 5, 2003
Though President Bush keeps reiterating his wish to deal peaceably with North Korea, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ordered the United States military to ready itself for a potential attack on the rogue nuclear state. De-escalation of tensions seems less and less likely as both sides step up their military commitment to a potential violent clash. After refusing to talk to North Korea...
Howard LaFranchi March 5, 2003
The United States does not want to negotiate directly with North Korea; it has stated again and again that its partners in the region – particularly Japan, South Korea, and China – should be involved in any talks. Even in the face of military provocations such as last weekend's tailing of a US surveillance plane by North Korean fighter jets, says Howard LaFranchi. "By appearing to...
Philip Shenon March 1, 2003
The new U.S. Department of Homeland Security will have what many see as an overwhelming task: to “prevent terrorist attacks in the United States,” according to the department’s mission. As one of its first major projects, the department will try to ensure that every traveler entering the U.S. will be screened for radioactive materials. Border inspectors with the Immigration and Naturalization...