In The News

Howard W. French April 13, 2003
The success of the US-led war in Iraq has brought to the forefront the possibility of military conflict between the United States and North Korea. The Bush Administration has identified North Korea as part of the "axis of evil" but so far has resisted direct military action against the Communist nation. North Korea appears to be exercising restraint in developing its nuclear program,...
Robert Jensen April 10, 2003
Why are images of Iraqi casualties of the war available to anyone in the world with internet access but not on US television screens? Al Jazeera reporter Robert Jensen asks news networks like CNN why they will not show the whole picture. He also warns that the most popular image of the war – the toppling of Saddam’s statue – should not be taken so literally; “joy over the removal of Hussein does...
R.W. Apple Jr. April 10, 2003
The US faces a thousand and one decisions to win the peace.
The Financial Times reporters April 10, 2003
"A dangerous power vacuum opened in Iraq on Thursday as the triumphant overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime was quickly followed by violent chaos across much of the country".
John Vinocur April 10, 2003
As Iraqis celebrate the toppling of Saddam’s regime, the US led coalition contemplates the fate of post-war Iraq
Michael Peel April 9, 2003
Though they have never had two successive elections without a military takeover, Nigerians hope the upcoming election will be peaceful. But with the election only days away, violence and corruption are still rampant. Peaceful elections are critical, for the country needs stability. Another rigged vote or military takeover would leave Nigerians without hope and the country in danger of becoming...
April 9, 2003
Many Iraqis may express joy at being free from the terror of Saddam Hussein, but it would be wrong to confuse this joy with support for a US occupation of Iraq. In the coming weeks, the US has hard choices to make and should take care not to allow history to repeat itself. In this editorial, the lead up to the Iraqi invasion is compared to Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, with surprising...