In The News

Kenneth Rogoff November 9, 2018
Economic recession, spurred by protectionist policies, is inevitable for China. Kenneth Rogoff, writing for Project Syndicate, rejects economic analysis suggesting that much of China’s problems could be regionally contained and argues that the China’s problems would quickly spread to international capital markets with so many foreign firms earning profits in Chinese markets. Asia’s high saving...
Sanjay Pulipaka November 8, 2018
Japan and India, under prime ministers Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe, continue to improve relations as a bulwark against more powerful China and develop balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region. “Both premiers have invested heavily in the bilateral relationship and made sustained efforts to push their respective bureaucracies to catch up with their vision,” explains Sanjay Pulipaka for the...
Raj M. Desai October 31, 2018
The global economy has reduced poverty and increased the ranks of the middle class. For the first time in recorded history, people who earn enough for a comfortable life outnumber the poor. “But without a functioning system of social protection on which middle class individuals can rely, the growth in their numbers also carries significant risks of democratic retreat, conflict, and instability,”...
Cho Chung-un October 30, 2018
Economic sanctions against North Korea over the past decade increased unemployment and poverty, but also encouraged innovation. As a result, the country reports a rise in startup businesses as North Korea engages in more dialogue with South Korea and the United States. Choson Exchange is a nonprofit based in Singapore that has trained more than 2,300 North Koreans on economic policy and...
Jeff Desjardins October 23, 2018
Globalization, while less popular in some countries, still contributes to rapid change throughout the world. Global networks allow for immediate spread of new ideas, and Jeff Desjardins of Visual Capitalist identifies eight forces of global change with striking information graphics: Technology, data analysis and artificial intelligence contribute to efficiency; tech companies now represent the...
Jonas O Bergman and Rich Miller October 8, 2018
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to William D. Nordhaus of Yale University and Paul M. Romer of New York University’s Stern School of Business for research “addressing some of our time’s most basic and pressing questions about how we create long-term sustained and sustainable economic growth,” announced the Royal Swedish Academy. Nordhaus created the first model that studies...
David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner October 3, 2018
At first glance, an investigative New York Times report on Donald Trump’s participation in a long list of questionable tax schemes before he was president seems to have little to do with globalization and the world at large. Not so long ago, the United States was regarded, not simply as a superpower but as a moral leader and model for democratic governance including fair taxation. Today the...