The Toronto Star: Trump Is Showdown With His FBI
US intelligence agencies report that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and warn about similar interference in November’s congressional elections. Key Republicans and US President Donald Trump lash out at the investigators, with attacks that could undermine trust in the nation’s Federal Bureau of Investigation and other institutions. “The until-recently-unusual spectre of the ‘law-and-order’ party attempting to undermine law enforcement agencies comes during the ongoing special counsel investigation of the Trump campaign’s links to the Russian government,” writes Daniel Dale for the Toronto Star. “Democrats, and others, see Republicans’ criticism as an attempt to protect the president by diminishing public faith in Robert Mueller’s probe.” Republicans attack entire groups that present evidence questioning his agenda – scientists and researchers, universities and educators, health care and policy experts, and now intelligence and federal law-enforcement agencies. Devin Nunes, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee and was part of the Trump transition team, prepared a memo reported to question investigative procedures, offering a conspiracy theory about a “Deep State” network of government employees trying to undermine the Trump presidency. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has 75 offices around the globe for international investigations. Global onlookers express concern about the US government in disarray and whether the country remains a trustworthy partner. – YaleGlobal
The Toronto Star: Trump Is Showdown With His FBI
The international community takes in fierce attacks by US president and many Republican lawmakers on the FBI investigation into Russian election interference
Friday, February 2, 2018
Read the essay from the Toronto Star.
Daniel Dale is Washington bureau chief for The Toronto Star.
Read about the FBI’s international Operations: “FBI personnel abroad serve under the authority of the Department of State, chief of mission at United States embassies, at the pleasure of ambassadors and host country governments. Their core mission is to establish and maintain liaison with principal law enforcement and security services in designated foreign countries. This liaison enables the FBI to effectively and expeditiously conduct its responsibilities in combating international terrorism, organized crime, cyber crime, and general criminal matters.”
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