Chinese Agriculture Goes Global

China invests in land and research in Africa, South America, Central Asia to feed the world’s largest population
Loro Horta
December 16, 2014

An Afghan Dilemma for China and India

For regional prosperity, Afghan President Ghani expects China, India, Pakistan to help smooth transition
Harsh V. Pant
December 4, 2014

The Olympic Games and Asia’s Rise

More Olympics games are hosted by cities beyond the West, and multinationals appreciate the expanded reach
Susan Brownell
November 27, 2014

WWII Celebration Plans by Putin and Xi to Score Points

Russian and Chinese presidents aim to divide US and allies, including Japan, with WWII celebration
Stein Tønnesson
November 13, 2014

Who Is Chinese? Voices in Hong Kong and Taiwan Reveal Deep Cultural Divide

For China, sovereignty and party loyalty trump democratic demands raised by Hong Kong and practiced by Taiwan
Victor Louzon
November 6, 2014

China’s Tianxia: Do All Under Heaven Need One Arbiter?

A few Chinese scholars anticipate China’s rise and possible role as arbiter in a troubled world
June Teufel Dreyer
October 30, 2014