India Needs a Sputnik Moment

To compete globally, India must jolt education and spur innovation
David J. Karl
March 4, 2011

Pakistan and the Bomb

By stepping up security and slowing weapons buildup, Pakistan would earn international respect
Bruce Riedel
February 21, 2011

We Have Your Number

India gives unique identity number to citizens to include them in the economy
Nandan Nilekani
January 21, 2011

A Tale of Two Ports

Gwadar and Chabahar display Chinese-Indian rivalry in the Arabian Sea
Christophe Jaffrelot
January 7, 2011

India Battles for Transparency – Part II

To combat rising corruption, India and other nations must reinforce vigilance
Pranab Bardhan
December 24, 2010

India Battles for Transparency – Part I

Telecom corruption scam angers India's middle class, casting a shadow on the country's rise
Sadanand Dhume
December 22, 2010

Asia Sentinel: Malaysia’s PM Sells His Country to China

But some deals could be overturned if Malaysians get angry
Philip Bowring
August 10, 2016

It’s Just a Stealth Reform

Subsidies to encourage labor reforms won’t protect India’s textile industry from onslaught of automation trends
Nayan Chanda
July 25, 2016

Week of Terror Underscores a “Desperate” Islamic State

The Islamic State, losing militarily, shifts tactics toward conventional terrorism
Jessica Durando and Jim Michaels
July 4, 2016

Time to Review FDI Rules

The gap between government demands for FDI jobs and modern workplaces looms large
Nayan Chanda
July 4, 2016

Modi in America: Strategic Convergence Alone Won’t Deflect Scrutiny on Treatment of NGOs and Minorities

The US presses for more reforms even as relations with Vietnam and India improve
Nayan Chanda
June 6, 2016