Reelected Obama Looks at Fiscal Cliff

Will Republicans refuse to raise taxes and jump into the abyss?
David Dapice
November 7, 2012

Europe, Not Euro, May Break Apart

Who needs nations? Scotland, Catalonia, other European regions seek closer ties with EU
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
November 2, 2012

Will China Delay Reform – Again?

Growing numbers of Chinese go online, unafraid to say they deserve better leadership
Mary Kay Magistad
October 29, 2012

US Lags in Race for Tech Talent

US sets up roadblocks; other nations offer speedy path for residency to skilled tech workers
Vivek Wadhwa
October 26, 2012

China Rebalancing Won’t Doom Region

Asia will benefit if China shifts from reliance on exports towards consumption-led growth
Deepak Gopinath
October 24, 2012

Al Qaeda’s Resurgence

Al Qaeda is unpopular, yet takes advantage of failed governance, chaos throughout Muslim world
Bruce Riedel
October 22, 2012

Amid US Outsourcing Fears, India’s IT Firms Thrive

As candidate, Obama blasts outsourcing; as president, he emphasizes exports and cooperation
Patrick Thibodeau
October 17, 2012