The global economy thrives on globalization and the increasing interdependence of finance, production, consumption and trade. Such integration has reduced poverty, yet varying national policies along with ever-increasing speed of transactions and market news have also contributed to imbalances, both among nations and within. Regulations often do not keep pace in managing cross-border debt, foreign direct investment, corporate practices, tax codes or economic bubbles. The eurozone crisis and the US subprime mortgage crisis have demonstrated that one nation’s problems and panic can spread like wildfire. Nations must combine a competitive spirit with cooperation to achieve stable economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

The Economics of Inclusion

Investment in infrastructure for all could spur economic growth
Ricardo Hausmann
November 17, 2014

Seeds of a Modern Economic Empire

Tired of waiting for IMF reform, China launches AIIB
Nayan Chanda
November 12, 2014

Central Asia Hurting as Russia’s Ruble Sinks

Inflation hurts those who rely on remittance and imports from Russia
David Trilling and Timur Toktonaliev
November 6, 2014

Missing the Prime Suspect in the Global Slowdown

Global debt on rise thanks to quantitative easing and low interest rates
George Melloan
November 5, 2014

Why Taxation Must Go Global

Competition among nations to attract business reduces poverty
Wolfgang Schäuble
November 3, 2014