The global economy thrives on globalization and the increasing interdependence of finance, production, consumption and trade. Such integration has reduced poverty, yet varying national policies along with ever-increasing speed of transactions and market news have also contributed to imbalances, both among nations and within. Regulations often do not keep pace in managing cross-border debt, foreign direct investment, corporate practices, tax codes or economic bubbles. The eurozone crisis and the US subprime mortgage crisis have demonstrated that one nation’s problems and panic can spread like wildfire. Nations must combine a competitive spirit with cooperation to achieve stable economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

Brexit and Bust: Britain Plunges Into the Unknown

The UK votes to leave the EU, and fury over cross-border economic and political cooperation won’t subside
Daniel Twining
June 23, 2016

An Alternative to Boycotts or Divestment for Israel

Boycotting Israeli firms that hire Palestinians won’t deliver peace; business-housing programs like New York’s Co-op City offer an alternative
Ian Shapiro and Nicholas Strong
May 26, 2016

Corporations’ Flight to Low-Tax Countries Angers US

Nations struggle and compete with separate tax codes while multinationals treat the world as a single economic space
Farok J. Contractor
April 12, 2016

A Flat World Gets Bumpy With Globalization in Retreat

World leaders blame open borders for economic woes, trying protectionist controls rather than reducing inequality
David Dapice
March 24, 2016

The World Is Stuck With Persistent Stagnation

The United States, Europe and China slowly follow Japan’s economy with low growth and stagnation
Stephen Roach
March 3, 2016

Worries Over China’s Slowdown Drive Global Markets

Frugality and risk-taking in Chinese culture make for heady mix – and gyrations for global markets
Farok J. Contractor
January 21, 2016

OPEC to Russia – It’s Over:

Julianne Geiger
March 8, 2020

Declining Fortunes of the Young: IMFBlog

Era Dabla-Norris , Carlo Pizzinelli and Jay Rappaport
March 3, 2020

Denmark the New “American Dream”? PIIE

Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
March 2, 2020

When China Sneezes: Project Syndicate

Stephen S. Roach
February 26, 2020