The Earth’s environment is the source of economic, social, cultural activities, with nature shaping human life over the centuries. The rapid growth in the world population, from 1 billion in 1830 to 7 billion today, add pressures for air quality, oceans, land use and resources as basic as water. Awareness is building about over-reliance on fossil fuels, how carbon and other emissions contribute to global warming and volatile weather. Every industry requires energy, and cross-border industrialization, transportation and other economic activities contribute to environmental degradation. Yet globalization also spurs awareness and activism over the need for global cooperation and standards to promote sustainability and environmental protection.

In Your Phone, In Their Air

Demand is growing for lithium batteries, and pollution infiltrates Chinese villages with graphite factories
Peter Whoriskey
October 28, 2016

The Ride to a Pollution-Free India

Battery-powered e-rickshaws ensure quiet streets without fumes
Nayan Chanda
October 26, 2016

Green Sovereign Bonds: Tactical Moves on an Emerging Market

Early entrants in this market will set the rules
October 20, 2016

Climate Accord Could Push A/C Out of Sweltering India’s Reach

India and other poor nations must end use of low-cost air conditioners that rely on HFCs by 2028
Ellen Barry and Coral Davenport
October 17, 2016

No Country Is Taking the 2 Degree Climate Target Seriously

Nations and individuals are in a state of cognitive dissonance
David Roberts
October 5, 2016