Jobs are the lifeblood for national economies and family budgets. The search for economic opportunity often drives people to move around the globe. The most educated and highly skilled workers are in demand, and immigration policies often reflect that priority. Less skilled would-be immigrants, however, are often subject to tighter restrictions – even in nations where native citizens refuse to take on harvesting, construction, cleaning or other difficult tasks. Advanced technology reduces the need for labor; employers also rely on outsourcing, contract workers and the internet for digital work, including tax preparation, X-ray analysis or graphic design. Nations fiercely compete for jobs while multinational corporations reduce labor costs to increase profits.

For India, US Health Care a Sea of Opportunity

US health care reform may boost Indian outsourcing firms
Taylor Barnes
April 26, 2010

Check Out That Colombian Tata!

South-to-south trade is a growing reality
Daniel Gross
April 13, 2010

The Caribbean Brain Drain: Nursing a Grievance

Caribbean nurses are leaving to work abroad
April 12, 2010

New Thai Immigration Rules Come Under Fire

Migrants at the nexus of human rights and economic growth
Patrick Barta
March 3, 2010

Steelworkers Say Reactors Overseas Will Cost Jobs

Nuclear power growth in the US could employ lots of foreign companies
Matthew L. Wald and Keith Bradsher
February 23, 2010