As governments confront many challenges that are global in scale, leaders find they must cooperate in responding to financial, climate, terrorism and other crises. As a result, a global audience has developed keen interest in how and why nations select their leaders. On one hand, citizens expect sensible and collective action, transparency and fair representation; on the other hand, citizens and leaders fret about compromising security, sovereignty or loss of control. Diplomats and global organizations like the United Nations aim to achieve a balance, even as global communications allow citizens in democracies or authoritarian states to steer attention to issues. Attention to citizen demands and multilateral cooperation contribute to stability.

The China Threat?

China’s growing youth nationalism, not its nuclear arsenal, is the real concern
Nicholas D. Kristof
December 20, 2003

Japan Seeks Greater Global Role

After decades of uncertainty, Asian nation is prepped to assume a seat at the big table
Richard Halloran
May 20, 2004

Dangers to the Constitution

Without careful evaluation, restrictive laws may sneak into the German Constitution
Elise Kissling
May 28, 2004

Paving the Way for a Sustainable Taiwan

Re-elected Taiwanese president addresses national issues and global involvement
Chen Shui-Bian
May 20, 2004

Kerry Vows to Rebuild Alliances, Confront Terrorism

The democratic candidate claims Bush’s “big stick” foreign policy is unwise and un-American
Jim VandeHei
May 28, 2004