As governments confront many challenges that are global in scale, leaders find they must cooperate in responding to financial, climate, terrorism and other crises. As a result, a global audience has developed keen interest in how and why nations select their leaders. On one hand, citizens expect sensible and collective action, transparency and fair representation; on the other hand, citizens and leaders fret about compromising security, sovereignty or loss of control. Diplomats and global organizations like the United Nations aim to achieve a balance, even as global communications allow citizens in democracies or authoritarian states to steer attention to issues. Attention to citizen demands and multilateral cooperation contribute to stability.

Danube Blues

The past is casting a long shadow over Hungary's accession to the EU
Ben Aris
April 26, 2004

Ambassadors' Letter to Blair

52 former British ambassadors urge the British prime minister to influence US policy in the Middle East
April 26, 2004

Learning From Europe

Instead of crying over a lost summit, let’s find a daring approach to Arab reform
Nader Fergany
April 30, 2004

Unification Can Only Follow Democratization

Taiwan may have the right to pursue independence, but regional peace and democratization of China are far more important and worthy outcomes
Orville Schell
March 19, 2004

In Mideast, Anger and Solidarity

Arabs praise Iraqi insurgents, condemn US occupation
Scott Wilson
April 10, 2004