Innovation is the source of economic prosperity and global progress, simplifying routines and enriching quality of life. The internet has fundamentally altered how the world works, communicates and thinks. The global information revolution has ushered in a new era of global conversations, cooperation and crowd-sourcing among researchers, speeding the spread of new ideas and technologies in every discipline. Researchers race to develop energy alternatives, synthetic biology, transportation improvements, environmental protections or cures for disease. Governments must keep up pace with funding of education and infrastructure as well as regulations on patents, immigration, intellectual property protections and more.

Is the USDA Silencing Scientists?

Government entomologist was blocked from presenting research on how pesticides affect monarch butterflies
Brandon Keim
November 3, 2015

You've Got Fail: High School Students Claim Hack on CIA Director's AOL Account

Email users fail to take advantage of all security measures
Sam Thielman
October 20, 2015

NASA’s Discovery: Why Finding Water on Mars Matters

Water, taken for granted on Earth, is key to life
Prakash Chandra
September 30, 2015

How Much Damage Can the US Office of Personnel Management Hackers Do With Millions of Fingerprints?

The theft may mean more damage for an industry than individuals
Dustin Volz
September 30, 2015

VW's Emissions Cheating Found by Curious Clean-Air Group

Small West Virginia University lab topples Volkswagen’s claims on clean diesel
Jeff Plungis and Dana Hull
September 25, 2015