Globalization wields powerful influence over societies and cultures. Business travelers and tourists both observe and distribute new ideas. New ideas, interactions, foods and products are tried, then embraced or discarded. With the internet or satellite television, films, publications, photographs, news reports and cartoons can travel instantly, entertaining or angering audiences around the globe. With social media like Facebook or Twitter, individuals offer news and own instant pronouncements on trends. Whether slowly through immigration or immediately online, these connections bring about some convergence of norms on fashion to human rights while also provoking challenges from traditionalists. A global society has emerged, and it’s tightly linked.

A Changed World for Korea’s Returnees

What happens when an ex-pat comes home?
Kim Sun-jung
July 27, 2005

Chinese Businessmen Learn Western Table Etiquette

With China’s economy booming and trade with the West increasing, Chinese businessmen face an unexpected obstacle: Western etiquette
Wieland Wagner
July 26, 2005

The Descent of Man

New documentary exposes grim realities of capitalist enterprising in Tanzania
Dennis Lim
August 3, 2005

Muslims Unite! A New Reformation Will Bring Your Faith into the Modern Era

Rushdie: Muslims must reinterpret the Koran's ideas to adapt to changing times
Salman Rushdie
August 11, 2005

The Crossover Queen

Shakira’s new strategy – taking advantage of globalization, but preserving her heritage
July 25, 2005