Globalization wields powerful influence over societies and cultures. Business travelers and tourists both observe and distribute new ideas. New ideas, interactions, foods and products are tried, then embraced or discarded. With the internet or satellite television, films, publications, photographs, news reports and cartoons can travel instantly, entertaining or angering audiences around the globe. With social media like Facebook or Twitter, individuals offer news and own instant pronouncements on trends. Whether slowly through immigration or immediately online, these connections bring about some convergence of norms on fashion to human rights while also provoking challenges from traditionalists. A global society has emerged, and it’s tightly linked.

Voting, Not Violence, is the Story for Arab Press

Arab news outlets choose to downplay fighting to focus on democratic vote
Hassan M. Fattah
January 31, 2005

Is the World Falling Out of Love with US Brands?

As the global reputation of the United States becomes tarnished, worldwide consumers may begin to turn away from its products
Dan Roberts
January 5, 2005

Subcontinent Raises Its Voice

With the largest English-speaking population, India is set to become a linguistic superpower
David Crystal
November 30, 2004

The NU Convention and Nonconventional Islam

Landmark meeting will determine the future of progressive Islam in Indonesia
Rizqon Khamami
November 24, 2004

Arab Internet Users Are Caught in a Terrible Web

Several Mideast governments are cracking down on blogs, restricting free flow of information on the internet
William Fisher
December 7, 2004