A readily measurable aspect of globalization is the increasing exchange of capital, products and services across national boundaries, spurred by expanded use of container shipping and other technological improvements as well as falling barrier. The interdependence is most apparent with global supply chains, as manufactured goods like vehicles and electronics are assembled with components produced around the world, and it’s increasingly rare for any country to be the sole source of any one complex product. Countries aim to increase exports but worry about too many imports and trade imbalances, even as their consumers pursue low prices. Disagreements on subsidies, tariffs, quotas or unfair practices are debated by the World Trade Organization.

Brexit Success Hinges on Global Goodwill

Like the UK, every other country wants the competitive edge in trade deals
Simon Nixon
August 17, 2016

Asia Sentinel: Malaysia’s PM Sells His Country to China

But some deals could be overturned if Malaysians get angry
Philip Bowring
August 10, 2016

Crowding Out the Locals: Are Weekend Trips Ruining Cities?

Tourists destroy the local cultures they crave
Dinah Deckstein and Alexander Kühn
August 9, 2016

Texas Shale Oil Has Fought Saudi Arabia to a Standstill

Technology has disrupted traditional oil powers
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
August 1, 2016

With Globalization in Danger, G-20 Double Down on a Defense

Countries were already enacting policies to spread benefits of globalization and growth
July 26, 2016