Brexit Proposal Fails for Third Time: CNBC

Criticizing big initiatives and relationships is easy, but developing a big fix is much more difficult, as the United Kingdom discovers in its attempt to exit the European Union. Members of parliament once again rejected a deal she made with EU officials, 344 to 286, despite her offer to resign in exchange for support. “Friday’s vote was considered slightly different as it only covered the ‘withdrawal deal’ – a near 600-page treaty that agreed citizen’s rights after Brexit, a £39 billion ($51 billion) divorce deal and how to treat the Irish land border,” explains David Reid for CNBC. “A political declaration element that vaguely outlines their future trading relationship, was not put before parliamentarians.” Analysts suggest a no-deal Brexit will mean damage for both the EU and British economies, extending to trade partners around the globe. Calls are loud for a general election and a new referendum now that the Brexit challenges are better understood. The next Brexit deadline is April 12. – YaleGlobal

Brexit Proposal Fails for Third Time: CNBC

British Prime Minister May offered to resign in exchange for support on a Brexit deal, but lawmakers voted against the withdrawal proposal for the third time
David Reid
Friday, March 29, 2019

Read the CNBC article about a  failed Brexit vote.

David Reid is a digital correspondent for CNBC.

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