A Less Super Superpower

Its military is stretched to the breaking point, its economy held hostage by external debt, its foreign policy entangled in contradictions...behold, the United States
Jonathan Schell
March 9, 2005

Leveraging the Dragon: Toward "An Africa That Can Say No"

The rapidly growing engagement between China and Africa requires a greater balance of the economic and strategic interests of both sides
Chris Alden
March 1, 2005

Can the World Deliver for Africa?

Britain becomes the champion of African economic revival in 2005
Larry Elliott
February 2, 2005

Worldwide Effects of Sinking Dollar

Its decline to a nine-year low is impacting everything from the price of goods at Wal-Mart to the vigor of Europe's economy
David R. Francis
November 22, 2004

Is America Losing Its Edge?

Globalization is a double-edged sword for US superiority in the technology sector
Adam Segal
November 17, 2004