The Invisible Hand of Globalization

Billions of economic decisions from entrepreneurs and consumers are a force beyond the control of regulators
Susan Froetschel
January 3, 2008

European Union’s Southern Drive

Expansion plan eyes 'southern mediterranean' states and Middle East
Shada Islam
May 30, 2003

After Bhutto, Pakistan on Edge

With the country exploding in anger, Pakistan’s fate hangs on how political leaders decide to restore stability
Ahmed Rashid
January 1, 2008

America's War on Terror Goes Awry in Pakistan

Rise of Taliban's allies threatens stability and quashes hope for democracy.
Ahmed Rashid
June 4, 2003

Emergency for Pakistan – and the World

Musharraf, clinging to power, embitters the electorate and contributes to regional instability
Ahmed Rashid
November 12, 2007

Dialogue of Democracy: Indian Muslims Visit Israel

A journey shows that a common political system can transcend religious differences
Tufail Ahmad
November 7, 2007

Putin, ISIS, Ebola: How Globalization Harms Us More Than Helps

Putin unabashedly spearheads a revolt against 21st-century globalization
Melik Kaylan
October 16, 2014

In “Umbrella Revolution,” China Confronts Limits of Its Power

Free press and independent court system keep authorities at bay
David Lague, James Pomfret and Greg Torode
October 2, 2014

Afghanistan Has New President; Vote Totals Kept Secret

Process was lengthy, but Afghanistan has two leaders
Daniel Politi
September 23, 2014

Foreign Funding of Think Tanks Is Corrupting Our Democracy

Donors can influence topics of research, sources and conclusions
John B. Judis
September 17, 2014

Global Governance Reimagined – An “Astonishing Diversity” of Cooperation

Global governance is in play every day – more needed on complex challenges like climate change
Keith Porter
September 12, 2014