Seething Anger in a Broken Middle East

Invasion, poverty and instability deepen institutional crisis throughout the region – with no fix in sight
Fawaz A. Gerges
June 12, 2007

India Cannot Afford Rural Failure

The crisis of India’s farmers has the potential to derail the country’s exceptional economic growth
Mira Kamdar
April 20, 2007

Against the Wall: The US Faces a United Iraq

Rejection of the Baghdad divider shows a tiny glimmer of hope for defeating Al Qaeda in Iraq
Humphrey Hawksley
May 1, 2007

The Poisonous Legacy of the Iraq War – Part I

By turning its might against Iraq, America’s post-9/11 militarism squandered a historic opportunity to defeat terrorism
Fawaz A. Gerges
March 15, 2007

The Poisonous Legacy of the Iraq War – Part II

Those who blame only the West for Middle East violence should also look closer to home
Husain Haqqani
March 19, 2007

US Debt Standoff Provokes Ire in China

As US debt seems less safe, China is determined to lessen reliance on the dollar
Simon Rabinovitch
October 14, 2013

Our Democracy Is at Stake

A few politicians regard compromise as weakness and risk all
Thomas L. Friedman
October 4, 2013

Default or Not, Asia Hostage to US Debt

A small group of US legislators toy with global crisis to get their way
Choonsik Yoo, Kevin Yao
September 30, 2013

People Will Pay if Army Fails Challenge of Political Islam

Under siege, Islamic politics won’t simply vanish
Amin Saikal
September 9, 2013

How the Wealthy Keep Themselves on Top

Free-market system may no longer guarantee opportunity for all
Tim Harford
August 20, 2013