Global Spread of Democracy Poses New Challenge for the US

Unilateralist foreign policy won't do
Donald K. Emmerson
January 29, 2003

Pakistan: The Eye of a Coming Storm?

Torn between pleasing the US and maintaining dominance over Afghanistan, Musharraf's wavering gives Al Qaeda a free hand
Paula R. Newberg
February 28, 2007

Questioning Milton Friedman’s Free Market and Freedom

Political freedoms may not flow naturally from economic freedoms
Pranab Bardhan
January 30, 2007

India: Emerging as Eastern or Western Power?

India can follow in the footsteps of Japan or China – or even forge its own path
Kishore Mahbubani
December 19, 2006

Will Guns Fall Silent in South Asia?

End of civil war in Nepal could serve as model for a troubled region
Paula R. Newberg
December 5, 2006

Capitalism: One Size Does Not Suit All

Shaped by many cultures, some forms of capitalism are more palatable to anti-globalization activists than others
Pranab Bardhan
December 7, 2006

Rise of the Renting, Sharing Economy Could Have Ripple Effects

Global debt crisis ushered in joys of a simpler life
Matthew Boesler
August 16, 2013

People Will Pay if Army Fails Challenge of Political Islam

Under siege, Islamic politics won’t simply vanish
Amin Saikal
August 15, 2013

Mob Rule

Organized crime thrives on instability
Christian Caryl
July 26, 2013

Why India Trails China

Inequality threatens economic growth
Amartya Sen
June 20, 2013

A Start in Lahore

Democracy raises multiple voices, not just the majority
Hassan Siddiq
June 11, 2013