Russia Pivots to Asia

Russia adroitly links seemingly distant global events, using each as leverage for plans elsewhere
Taehwa Hong
December 20, 2016

Taiwan: More Than a Trump Card for US Dealing With Beijing

Arms sales for Taiwan fit Trump’s insistence that US allies must shoulder more defense costs
Wenran Jiang
December 15, 2016

Fall of Eastern Aleppo Marks Turning Point for Syrian Civil War

Russian airstrikes ensured victory for the Assad regime, a setback for the United States and its allies
Dilip Hiro
December 13, 2016

Taiwan, Thorn in China’s Side, Gets New Attention

Taiwan issue underscores limits of power for the US and China – and the calcification of international policymaking
Mark Harrison
December 6, 2016

US Walks Away From TPP, Leaving China Free to Dominate Asia

At the APEC meeting, China hustles to replace the TPP free-trade agreement with its own versions
Anthony Rowley
November 22, 2016

China and the US Undercut International Law

International law requires the consent of all parties, but China and the US reject when decisions cross short-term strategic interests
Humphrey Hawksley
November 17, 2016