Law Challenges China Dream for Control of South China Sea

With its hard line, China has painted itself into a corner while increasing the chance of conflict with its neighbors
Nayan Chanda
July 14, 2016

China Pivots to the Middle East and Iran

China rushes to invest in Iran, a Middle East pivot, as the US stubbornly sticks to sanctions
Debalina Ghoshal
July 7, 2016

Wolf-Pack Terrorism: Inspired by ISIS, Made in Bangladesh

ISIS reverses course: Jihadists leave Syria, putting countries like Bangladesh under siege and driving wedges amid political squabbling
Saroj Kumar Rath
July 5, 2016

Ambition and Chinese Hostility Push India Closer to the US

Modi envisions India as a leading power in shaping global outcomes and seeks US support
Harsh V. Pant
June 7, 2016

For the US, Sailing Around the South China Sea Is Not Strategy

US naval excursions are temporary response to Beijing’s permanent islands and equipment in the South China Sea
Harry J. Kazianis
June 2, 2016

Turkey No Longer a Democratic Model for the Middle East

Ambitions of Turkey’s President Erdoğan are damaging the nation’s standing with regional and international partners
Mohammed Ayoob
May 31, 2016

Chaos and US Standing: Times of India

Nayan Chanda
February 11, 2019

Ireland, Brexit and Opportunity: Conversation

Liam Kennedy
February 7, 2019

Foreign Policy: Trump’s State of the Union

Robbie Gramer and Amy Mackinnon
February 6, 2019

Washington Post: Fight in Venezuela

Mariana Zuñiga, Anthony Faiola and Rachelle Krygier
January 31, 2019