Iran Nuclear Deal Fuels Tension With Saudi Arabia Inflaming New Conflicts

The Iran nuclear deal was supposed to ease tensions, but Saudi Arabia seems frantic to antagonize its rival
Mohammed Ayoob
January 19, 2016

The US Faces Rival Powers Waging Hybrid Warfare

China and Russia increasingly achieve geopolitical gains, catching the West off-guard, with mix of hybrid tactics
Richard Weitz
January 12, 2016

North Korea’s Nuclear Test Deepens Chinese Dilemma

North Korea’s Kim regime openly challenges its leading benefactor, China, by claiming miniature hydrogen bomb test
Shim Jae Hoon
January 7, 2016

The Islamic State Wants the West to Over-React and Hasten Apocalypse

Islamic State strategy shifts from territorial control territory to random attacks, drawing over-reaction and recruits
David C. Rapoport
December 8, 2015

Double Jeopardy: Russia Strives to Reintegrate With the West

Russia strayed from globalization, and the West can help encourage the nation to return to the fold
Ashkhen Kazaryan
November 24, 2015

Air War May Be Satisfying, But Won’t Defeat ISIS

The international community must support the local forces motivated to defeat Islamic State: Kurds and Iran
Mohammed Ayoob
November 19, 2015