The US and Russia Face to Face as Ice Curtain Melts

Melting Arctic ice revives trade hopes and defense worries along non-hostile border between the US and Russia
Humphrey Hawksley
November 5, 2015

Wanted: Competent Foreigners to Work for Ukrainian Government

Ukraine welcomes foreigners for cabinet posts – ending bureaucracy for other sectors could break corruption, encourage innovation
Olena Lennon
October 27, 2015

Nepal's Constitutional Crisis Involves Giant Neighbors

Nepal is hit by constitution crisis – India is viewed as interfering and China expands its influence
Harsh V. Pant
October 15, 2015

Narrow Court Ruling May Offer Room for Diplomacy on South China Sea Claims

International court will soon rule on South China Sea case between China and the Philippines
Ashley Townshend
October 13, 2015

Putin’s Syria Move Raises Profile – With Risks

Putin moves to stabilize Syria, stop extremism and diminish US influence, but the strategy could backfire
Thomas Graham
October 6, 2015

Pakistan Keen to Keep Ties with Iran and Saudi Arabia

Open for trade, Iran may test two rivalries – its own with Saudi Arabia, another between Pakistan and India
Debalina Ghoshal
October 1, 2015

Foreign Affairs: The Next Arab Uprising

Marwan Muasher
November 21, 2018

Reuters: APEC and US-China Acrimony

Tom Westbrook and Charlotte Greenfield
November 19, 2018

New York Times: Nationalism Reshapes Europe

Peter Baker and Alissa J. Rubin
November 13, 2018