Why Does Hollywood Dominate US Cinemas?

A new generation of foreign films that combine Hollywood and art-house conventions has stymied American distributors
Christina Klein
August 17, 2004

Quo Vadis America?

The US can recover from the current mess, but the days of hegemony are over
Immanuel Wallerstein
July 13, 2004

Immigration is Changing the Face of Suburban America

Atlanta's experience shows that migrants can help revitalize once-languishing local economies
William G. Holt, III
July 6, 2004

Gulf Security in a Globalizing World: Going beyond US Hegemony

To avoid repeating history, the US should adopt a multilateral approach and address the domestic issues at the heart of the region’s instability
Michael Kraig
June 29, 2004

Can Corporations Safeguard Labor and Human Rights?

US-backed corporate social responsibility initiatives could help improve conditions in developing countries
Susan Ariel Aaronson
June 24, 2004

Indian Election: Of Computer Mice and Men

The ruling BJP lost because their version of globalization left out the poor
S. Nihal Singh
May 17, 2004

The Ties That Bind

The age-old motives that have led human beings to connect will continue to integrate the world
Nayan Chanda
February 26, 2009

Globalization: After the Recession

The world is too interconnected to turn back globalization
Justin Lin
January 6, 2010

The Trade Factor

While the US has been working to reform its financial system, trade remains a worrisome area
Nayan Chanda
January 5, 2010

Scientists Use Cell Phone Records to Predict Spread of Malaria

Cell phone tracking pinpoints potential reasons for spread of malaria
Aaron Hoover
December 18, 2009


Globalization shifts focus amid economic downturn
Daniel Gross
December 14, 2009