Strike Threatens Nigeria's Oil Production

Union in world's seventh-biggest exporter says it will shut down supplies if police harass protesters
Rory Carroll
October 14, 2004

Buy Now, Profit Later

German companies say investments in China are a bet on the future, though not necessarily the present
Elise Kissling
October 8, 2004

Trade Theory vs. Used Clothes in Africa

An African take on the debate between free trade and protectionism
Carter Dougherty
June 3, 2004

US Report, in Shift, Turns Focus to Greenhouse Gases

The Bush administration, for the first time, acknowledges human activities contribution to global warming
Andrew C. Revkin
August 26, 2004

The Challenge of China and India

Their rapid economic advancement may leave developed countries in a bind
Stephen Roach
August 31, 2004