Looms of Doom

A foreign fabric has silenced the looms of the local Indian weavers, reduced them to poverty, and killed an art
Sutapa Mukerjee
September 22, 2004

In Some States, Foreign Trade Means Jobs

As jobs continue to leave the US Midwest, a few winners emerge
Timothy Aeppel
September 21, 2004

Nagging Doubts About the Benefits of Globalization, and a Look at the Evidence

The outsourcing discussion continues, as academics debate the effects of offshoring jobs
September 20, 2004

Freeing India's Textile Industry

The country’s government holds the key to helping its apparel manufacturers compete in the global market
Asutosh Padhi
October 5, 2004

Where Did All the Jobs Go? Nowhere

The debate over outsourcing is distracting attention from the true issues facing the US economy
Daniel W. Drezner
September 29, 2004