Whisper It Softly: Muslims Are Part of Europe's Future

Europe can’t avoid Muslims and must wage sensible, civil debate on refugees and their integration
Shada Islam
March 10, 2016

Russia’s Syrian Intervention Gives the West a Chance to Re-Engage Turkey

As Russia intervenes in Syria, the West could improve ties with defense, energy and refugee assistance for Turkey
Marc Grossman
February 11, 2016

Wanted: European Grand Strategy for War Against the Islamic State

Europe, cultural identity under attack, must regroup and form grand strategy to battle extremism at home and abroad
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
February 2, 2016

Warming World Promises More Refugees

Climate change promises disruptions, and nations must develop policies to manage waves of refugees
Richard D. Lamm
January 14, 2016

Border Chaos: Europe Reacts to Syrian Refugee Crisis

European Union needs long-term policies on refugees, with no end in sight for suffering in Middle East or Africa
Chris Miller
September 15, 2015