China's Cautious Pride in an Ancient Mariner

Young nationalists criticize Beijing's timidity in taking credit for Admiral Zheng He
Wang Gungwu
August 4, 2005

Europe in Disarray – Part II

With difficulties at home, European leaders struggle to muster a cooperative spirit
Jonathan Fenby
June 23, 2005

Dubai’s Kerala Connection

Hidden behind the Gulf State’s development are Indian "foot soldiers of globalization"
Steve Raymer
July 12, 2005

Europe in Disarray – Part I

When whiners become winners, everybody loses
Jean-Pierre Lehmann
June 21, 2005

Angst of a Stagnating Germany

How to build prosperity based on cultural identity when companies go offshore?
Dominic Sachsenmaier
July 5, 2005

A Report from the Ground Zero of China’s AIDS Crisis

Despite positive publicity, official Chinese help for the infected remains inadequate while foreign assistance is refused
Pierre Haski
June 30, 2005

New Dissent in Japan Is Loudly Anti-Foreign

Discontents study the US Tea Party movement as role model for anger
Martin Fackler
August 31, 2010

Shariah in Aceh: Eroding Indonesia’s Secular Freedoms

Religious laws become an easy excuse for abuse
Dewi Kurniawati
August 26, 2010

Facebook Deletes Accounts Purporting to Be From North Korea

Friendship sought only among those with certain identities
Jun Yang
August 25, 2010

The Age of Peace

Large concentrations of elderly can stabilize nations
Carolyn O’Hara
August 2, 2010

Veil Ban: Why Syria Joins Europe in Barring the Niqab

Can a bit of cloth empower or enslave women?
Kristen Chick
July 27, 2010