Russia Eyes Stronger Clout In Caspian Region

Russia seeks a greater role in the Caspian region
Sergei Blagov
July 18, 2005

Politics Intrudes in Bombing Inquiry, Deepening the French-British Rift

The French antiterrorism coordinator leaks false information, freezing European intelligence cooperation just as it is most crucial
Elaine Sciolino
July 18, 2005

Russia and Poland Seek Restored Relevance in the New Middle East

After the power politics of the Cold War, Moscow is playing a new game in the Middle East
Jerzy Zdanowski
June 28, 2005

A Message to the South

The crisis of multilateralism in international relations is deep but not irreparable
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
June 30, 2005

Al-Qaida's Smart Bombs

Attacks in London suggest that al-Qaida's new strategy is succeeding
Robert A. Pape
July 11, 2005