The Bigger Problem: Weapons of Individual Destruction

Small arms and light weapons cause devastation on a global scale
Raenette Taljaard
October 15, 2003

The Paradox of Muslim Weakness

Islamists, even when not in power, wield fear and faith to pressure their societies in conservative directions
Sadanand Dhume
May 27, 2008

Lonely at the Top

Two years after September 11, the US is still blind to the perils of imperial isolation.
Clyde Prestowitz
September 13, 2003

Who's Winning the War on Terror?

Two years after Sept. 11, the Taliban is thriving along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Ahmed Rashid
September 5, 2003

Security Measures May Not be Sand in the Wheels of Commerce

Initial costs could be followed by a boost in efficiency of global trade.
William Mougayar
August 19, 2003

Knock, Knock…Who's There? Many Migrants!

Rising populations in the developing world and greying populations in the developed world are creating new pressures.
Joseph Chamie
August 5, 2003

The Ransom Dilemma

Refusing to pay saves many and is the only ethical policy
Peter Singer
December 12, 2014

Somalia's Troubles Come South

Shabab terrorists extend their brutal reach into Kenya
December 4, 2014

Back After a Lifetime in IS

Nations and families cannot trust any who joined the extremist group even for a short while
Samyabrata Ray Goswami
December 2, 2014

The Geography of Terrorism

Terrorism deaths are largely concentrated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria
Kathy Gilsinan
November 21, 2014

The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem

The secular middle class is not immune to extremism
Julia Amalia Heyer
November 19, 2014