Stopping the Iranian Bomb – Part II

A proposal to unite the world community and restrain Iran
George Perkovich
January 26, 2006

Cartoon Jihad

Besides showing the cultural gulf with the West, the affair shows the clout of globalized Islam
Sadanand Dhume
February 7, 2006

Is Strategy For Victory in Iraq an Empty Package?

American people will have to support it with their children and wallets
Joan Johnson-Freese
December 6, 2005

Russian Civil Society Will Find It Harder to Breathe

President Putin cracks down on NGOs despite foreign criticism
Liliana N. Proskuryakova
December 8, 2005

Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within

Radical Islamic party threatens Indonesia with ballots more than bullets
Sadanand Dhume
December 1, 2005

Toward a Virtual Caliphate

Al-Qaida is not the only Muslim group harnessing the power of globalization
Peter Mandaville
October 27, 2005

Afghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help, US Aides Say

Double agents and turbulent politics destabilize the region
Mark Mazzetti
March 27, 2009

The Downside of Letting Robots Do the Bombing

Technology offers few easy answers
Mark Mazzetti
March 26, 2009

Pakistan: The Militant Jihadi Challenge

Regional jihad groups have global goals
March 30, 2009

The Gateway Of India

Technology assists terrorists in coordinating attacks and authorities who track them
Saikat Datta
December 1, 2008

India’s Global Challenge

India and the world must look forward to an even stronger embrace of mutual support
Nayan Chanda
December 5, 2008