Mid-air Hijack Bid Conjures Up Scary Security Scenario

Attempted hijacking of Australian aircraft reveals the need for increased security in Western airports.
Ross Peake
June 3, 2003

Qaeda Network Expands Base in Pakistan

Terrorists continue to confound most powerful militaries
Carlotta Gall
December 29, 2007

Policing the Sea Is a Job for Everyone

Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister worries about terrorism's effects on shipping.
Tony Tan
June 3, 2003

A Bad Idea Is About to Deploy in Darfur

Complex forces combine in spurring the atrocities, requiring interventions that go far beyond a small peacekeeping force
Julie Flint
December 19, 2007

In Kashmir Sequel, Seeking a New Ending

Delhi responds to the crackdown on Pakistan-based Islamic militant terrorists groups accused of launching attacks against India.
Celia W. Dugger
January 2, 2002