Israel Tries to Expand Power in Africa

Raluca Besliu
April 10, 2018

Just Power for a Reformed UN

Nayef Al-Rodhan
February 27, 2018

Russia Wants to Remake Globalization in Its Own Image

Globalization is under assault, claims Russia, from a Western-dominated world order with benefits limited to a few
Richard Weitz
November 24, 2016

China and the US Undercut International Law

International law requires the consent of all parties, but China and the US reject when decisions cross short-term strategic interests
Humphrey Hawksley
November 17, 2016

UN Secretary-General Must Manage Trilateral Divergences Over Globalization

UN success rests in commitment to common values, but China, Russia and the US differ on globalization
Richard Weitz
October 13, 2016

Law Challenges China Dream for Control of South China Sea

With its hard line, China has painted itself into a corner while increasing the chance of conflict with its neighbors
Nayan Chanda
July 14, 2016