Putin’s Dangerous Game

By redrawing Ukrainian borders and setting a precedent, Russia could be eventual loser
Strobe Talbott
March 11, 2014

War Drums in Asia: Back to the European Future?

Old grievances, shifting power balance, spur Asian tensions as in 1914
Alistair Burnett
February 11, 2014

WMD Risks in Civil War: What Syria Can Teach

The US, ill-prepared on Syria’s use of chemical weapons, must plan for strife in Pakistan, North Korea
Bennett Ramberg
January 23, 2014

The US and Pakistan: An Incompatible Couple

The US needs Pakistan for Afghan pullout, and Pakistan needs US funds
Dilip Hiro
October 31, 2013

Japan’s Olympic Challenge

In lead-up to hosting the 2020 Olympics, Japan must foster Asian identity and solidarity
Jean-Pierre Lehmann
October 22, 2013

Cambodians Refuse to Accept Rigged Elections

Informed by global connections, Cambodians resist shoddy governance and elections
Elizabeth Becker
October 15, 2013