In The News

Kamran Khan May 4, 2004
In an unprecedented event, three Chinese engineers in Pakistan were the target of a terrorist car bombing Monday morning. Western aid workers have received the brunt of attacks from radical Muslim groups in Pakistan since the 2001 war in Afghanistan. "Frankly speaking, we never thought of providing extra security to Chinese citizens in this country," says one Pakistani police chief. A...
May 3, 2004
The process of helping developing nations is a lot more complex than simply giving foreign aid via public and private donors. Richer nations can benefit or harm poorer nations through policies on security, aid, immigration, environment, technology and trade. In an effort to rate which programs work and which do not, Foreign Policy Magazine and the Center for Global Development (CGD) have...
Edward Cody April 22, 2004
Unexpected private talks between North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and leaders in Beijing resulted in what is being called a "broad common understanding." During the talks, Beijing reiterated its desire for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula while also addressing North Korea's 'rational concerns,' a hint at North Korea's desire for security guarantees from the US. For his...
Jean-Pierre Lehmann April 9, 2004
Although Kenya has attracted some foreign dollars through tourism and export-based flower and tea industries, a majority of Kenyans remain mired in poverty. Jean-Pierre Lehmann, founding director of the Evian group, argues here that although its future could be bright, Kenya has not yet exploited its substantial political and economic assets in a way that will allow it to fully tap into...
April 8, 2004
Around the world, commemoration of the ten year anniversary of the Rwandan genocide has taken a variety of turns. Some, particularly within the US and Europe, have used the opportunity to recognize that the failure to intervene was a profound failure of foreign policy. To some, however, "Never again" rings empty after 800,000 people were killed in 100 days. Others, in Africa...
Eduardo Porter March 22, 2004
In Florida citrus groves, where most of the crop is still harvested by hand, machines are still a rare sight. As technological improvements take hold, however, Florida growers are seeing less need for the Latin American migrants who currently do much of the work. Facing increasingly fierce foreign competition, US growers view cost saving machines like canopy shakers as the best way to stay...
Mustafa Kamel El-Sayed February 25, 2004
How do poor countries advance social scientific research agendas to better their societies? Are their agendas set by their own self-determined needs or by the interests of outsiders? Since the end of the Cold War, says political scientist Mustafa Kamel El-Sayed El-Sayed, researchers dependent on foreign aid have less and less control over how the funds are used. In Egypt, funding from foreign...