In The News

Bjoern H. Amland September 16, 2010
Global unemployment rates continue to climb – and the danger of global economic crisis is not past until jobs return, warns Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Only through cooperation can the IMF and the International Labor Oganization “steer globalization in the right direction,” maintains Juan Somavia, director-general for the ILO. Unsustainable...
Rachel Donadio September 16, 2010
An influx of Chinese to Prato transformed the Italian city into a center of low-end garment manufacturing. Trading in on the cachet of “Made in Italy,” Chinese firms increasingly connect to global production chains, quickly and cheaply meeting changing tastes, creating the “fast fashion” now so popular in Europe. Throughout Prato, new signs and specialty stores cater to the immigrants. Organized...
Miriam Jordan September 8, 2010
Because of recession and high jobless rates, illegal immigration to the US has contracted sharply, by more than half, in recent years, suggests the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center. “The mortgage crisis and ensuing economic slump have slashed jobs in construction, tourism and other sectors that are the mainstay for low-skilled Latin Americans,” writes Miriam Jordan for the Wall Street Journal. “...
Sean Randolph September 2, 2010
As the US tech industry saw rapid growth during the 1990s, immigrating students and workers from Asia heeded innovation’s call. Engineers and programmers from India settled in Silicon Valley and enjoyed immediate success. About one out of six tech startups was launched by immigrants from India. Now some of these tech workers return to India, explains author and trade specialist Sean Randolph....
Joe Costello September 1, 2010
Globalization, people and ideas mixing through immigration and trade, has enriched the US but also added to complications. “America has been as successful, more so than most, using the principles and practices of this republic's founding, to mix the nationalities of Europe and more fitfully other peoples from across the planet into a relatively healthy concoction,” explains Joe Costello,...
Joseph Chamie July 27, 2010
Increased labor mobility has accompanied global population growth and ease of travel. The world has roughly 50 million illegal migrants, about one quarter of which live in the US. Nations widely oppose illegal immigration, but identifying, catching and then deporting violators present a huge challenge, explains Joseph Chamie, research director for the Center for Migration Studies. Attitudes about...
Nayan Chanda July 21, 2010
For more than four decades, Europe’s system of taxation provided its citizens with job security, education, health and retirement benefits that were envied around the globe. But global recession, an aging population and tax avoidance have disrupted the system, explains YaleGlobal editor Nayan Chanda in his regular column for Businessworld. Before the crisis struck, too many politicians tried to...