In The News

Graham Bowley November 12, 2004
The economies of the European Union have been struggling, and according to a former Dutch Prime Minister, the situation will only get worse. According to data from the International Monetary Fund, over the past 10 years, US growth has averaged about 3.3 percent a year, compared to only 2.1 percent for the EU. To make matters worse, Europe simultaneously faces rising life expectancies and...
Craig S. Smith October 23, 2004
In recent weeks, the US military has singled out the Iraqi city of Falluja as the next stage in its campaign against rebel militants. According to US forces, the city harbors many non-Iraqi militants, who are primarily responsible for the nearly daily bombings that wrack Iraq. Recent intelligence investigations have shown that an increasing number of Muslims from European countries are joining...
Ahto Lobjakas October 4, 2004
For over a decade, Turkey has tried to force the issue of its accession into the European Union (EU) onto the agenda of the European Commission. With the recent release of two draft progress reports, serious discussions seem imminent. While the reports laud the country's social and political reforms, Turkey still fails to meet certain entry requirements. At issue are the country's...
Marlise Simons September 27, 2004
The assimilation of Europe's many millions of Muslim immigrants dominates public discourse in the continent today. Many critics of Islam see Muslims as carrying a set of values at odds with the European identity, calling for internal reform within Muslim communities. Even some Muslims also approach the contentious issue from this angle. Ayaan Hirsa Ali, a Somalian-born refugee, now a member...
Kesang Sherpa September 27, 2004
As the South Asian nation of Nepal has seen, the forces of globalization may be both a blessing and a curse. While open borders helped to develop trade, manufacturing, and tourism as the country's economic pillars, a Maoist insurgency has devastated the country in recent years. Amidst this social and financial crisis, Nepali workers overseas now bear the onus of supporting Nepal's...
Deane Neubauer September 24, 2004
"For the first time in human history, more people live in cities than do not," writes globalization scholar Deane Neubauer. Complex migratory patterns have led to a paradox within the world's most populous urban areas: While some residents live lavishly, reaping the benefits of global commerce, others are forced into impoverished conditions reminiscent of 19th-century...
Richard Bernstein September 10, 2004
Even if it is love at first sight, beginning a life together in Denmark is a lengthy, maddening ordeal for mixed Danish-foreign couples. New immigration laws which, opponents argue, are the strictest in the European Union, have barred over 1,000 recently married couples from living in the country. Many of these couples have opted to live across the bridge in Malmo, Sweden. This was not the...