In The News

Banning N. Garrett July 7, 2003
Liberia's raging civil war is bringing the issue of failing states in Africa dramatically to the fore as US President Bush begins his first ever trip to the continent. Amidst domestic bloodbath, the threat posed to the interconnected world by failing states like Liberia or other rogue or weak states may not be immediately apparent. However, as this article points out, the weakness of such...
Marian Wilkinson July 5, 2003
At an upcoming of 11 nations officials in Brisbane will consider practical ways of intercepting weapons of mass destruction before they change hands. The US and Australian will specifically discuss a proposal to track and force down aircrafts believed to be carrying prohibited weapons from North Korea, Iran, Syria and Libya. The operation is designed to disrupt the international flow of weapons...
Shada Islam July 4, 2003
For the European Union - a body recently divided over the pre-emptive use of military force in Iraq - adoption of a muscular foreign policy doctrine marks a new departure. The strategy represents a more self-confident Europe, determined to match the United States, if not yet in military force, then at least in global influence. The EU doctrine echoes some of Washington's concerns by...
Felicity Barringer July 3, 2003
The United States, backed by Great Britain and France, has continually asked the Security Council to issue a statement condemning North Korea’s violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. However, the issuing of the statement has been held up by the lack of consensus among the permanent members of the Security Council . China and Russia remain reluctant, believing that doing so, will...
Salim Bokhari July 3, 2003
For Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, the last leg of his four-nation trip to North America and Europe was one of the most important. After the US, France is the one country with which Islamabad has strong defence cooperation. Although his visits were primarily meant to build ties and goodwill with allies, Musharraf also used the opportunity to reiterate that Pakistan's recognition of...
Salim Bokhari July 3, 2003
For Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, the last leg of his four-nation trip to North America and Europe was one of the most important. After the US, France is the one country with which Islamabad has strong defence cooperation. Although his visits were primarily meant to build ties and goodwill with allies, Musharraf also used the opportunity to reiterate that Pakistan's recognition of...
David E. Sanger July 1, 2003
For months, the US has been trying to convince Asian nations like China and South Korea that the threat from North Korea is urgent and necessitates a unified diplomatic effort. Now, American intelligence officials claim that within a year North Korea will have the ability to attach small nuclear warheads to its extensive missile arsenal. If the allegation is true, it will bolster US claims that...