In The News

Tara Carman February 23, 2015
Canada is backing away from open borders for skilled labor. New rules require employers who hope to hire a foreign worker must submit copies of the employment offer, details about their business operations and a $230 fee. The government’s aim is to protect Canadian workers against displacement, with the new requirements applying only to businesses that don’t conduct Labor Market Impact...
Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura January 26, 2015
Africa and Latin America are opening new trade and diplomatic relations, particularly in four key countries of Brazil, Mexico, Cuba and South Africa. Compared with their exports to the northern hemisphere, the exchange of goods between Latin American and African countries remains small, around 3 percent. However, trade between the two continents grew 75 percent between 2005 and 2012, and new...
Arthur Pinheiro Machado January 9, 2015
Countries benefit by attracting and retaining highly qualified immigrants. New entrepreneurs create business and jobs, and can be key to economic development. Secure emerging economies are particularly attractive, and Brazil has seen a recent inflow of such skilled workers, with temporary immigrant numbers rising 135 percent in the last six years. But as Arthur Pinheiro Machado writes in Forbes...
Peter Coy December 10, 2014
The Institute of International Finance warns about restricted flows for capital in a report "Financial Globalization: Maximizing Benefits, Containing Risks." The report analyzes “the slowdown of cross-border flows and raises concerns that while the recent regulatory agenda should help to ensure a more stable and secure financial system, the extensive benefits from cross-border flows...
Tim Fernholz November 12, 2014
International phone calls were once limited to wealthy nations. Shipper DHL has released its third edition of global connectedness index that tracks all manner of exchanges between countries, describing it as detailed analysis of the state of globalization. Tim Fernholz focuses on phone calls for Quartz and reports that growing diasporas of workers and dropping phone rates are driving global...
Emily Schwartz Greco November 10, 2014
Since summer, the number of child immigrants arriving at the border has decreased by 7,000 per month – a drop attributed to increased detention of children seeking refugee status and growing xenophobia in the United States. US foreign policy for Latin America, whether interventions on the drug trade or discouragement of family planning, has contributed to crises in countries like El Salvador and...
Pankaj Ghemawat October 29, 2014
Many challenges, like climate change, are global in scale, but citizens often have an exaggerated sense of other global connections, including internet use and immigration. Pankaj Ghemawat refers to outsized estimates as globaloney: “It obscures the potential gains from additional globalization, swells fears about its adverse consequences, and causes companies to adopt strategies of ‘bigger and...