In The News

Reza Hasmath March 23, 2016
Economic growth has transformed China from aid recipient to donor nation, explains Reza Hasmath, a professor of political science: “[T]he majority of China’s overseas development assistance is directed at nations, notably in Africa and Southeast Asia, where it has a substantial stake in accessing natural resources and low cost human capital…. Suffice to say, China’s development assistance is...
Susan Lund, James Manyika and Jacques Bughin March 18, 2016
Recent trends in globalization emphasize cross-border data and digital flows, argues a team from McKinsey Global Institute, an argument that coincides with YaleGlobal’s definition of globalization as the interconnectedness of the world in every area including trade and communications. “Today growth in global trade has flattened, and it looks unlikely to regain its previous peak relative to world...
Daniel Gros March 9, 2016
Global trade, exports from China and commodity prices are in decline – and these trends are interconnected, argues Daniel Gros for Project Syndicate. Some analysts contend that globalization is dead, and Gros offers a reminder that globalization is not limited to trade: “Globalization entails many other features, including the surge in cross-border financial transactions and tourism, data...
Luke Kawa February 24, 2016
Globalization pushes production and jobs to emerging economies while automation in technology has reduced jobs in the developed economies, explains Luke Kawa for Bloomberg Business. The article is based on a note to clients from analysts at the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. led by Senior Asia Economist Goohoon Kwon. As robots become less costly, companies will move production closer to customer bases...
Joschka Fischer February 5, 2016
The world has many troubles including destabilized markets and low oil prices, high debt levels, terrorism and the ongoing refugee crisis for the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. The international order of the 20th century is shifting, and no suitable replacement is waiting in the wings. “Today, the Pax Americana that ensured a large degree of global stability has begun to fray – most...
Paul Laudicina January 22, 2016
Each year the World Economic Forum convenes government, industry and activist leaders to offer regional and international proposals along with private-public partnerships. Uncertainty and the expectations for “fundamental, radical global shifts” have permeated the 2016 meeting, explains Paul Laudicina for Forbes. “How leaders manage this system shift in years to come will determine the course the...
Edward Goldberg December 23, 2015
Events in one country or one industry can have repercussions that spread throughout the world. Edward Goldberg, a professor who teaches about globalization, identifies five trends for the Huffington Post: China’s economy is slowing, and the government will likely adjust, eliminating inefficient state-owned companies and accepting citizens’ need to adapt to rising unemployment through...