In The News

Jochen Schönmann December 19, 2007
Risking his life, Chinese journalist Zhou Qing investigated China’s food industry over the course of two years and wrote “What Kind of God?” – a book that analyzes the value placed on food by the Chinese people and the outrageous measures companies take to reduce production costs. “His book is a dark account of a ruthless food mafia that stops at nothing to maximize its profits, for example by...
Craig Timberg October 24, 2007
A series of studies conducted in the past several years finds that circumcised men are 60 percent less likely to contract HIV than their uncircumcised counterparts. In response to these results, Israeli doctors, well-versed in the procedure, reach out to areas afflicted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In countries such as Swaziland, with the world’s highest reported rate of HIV infection, the problem...
Stephen J. Hedges October 5, 2007
While some countries suffer from hunger, a growing part of the world struggles with the opposite problem of obesity. The problem is no longer confined to rich countries: Nigeria and Uganda struggle simultaneously with hunger and obesity. With a 2000 percent increase in the share of China’s population considered obese, the growth in waistlines outpaces the nation's economic growth. Obese...
Paul Reiter October 5, 2007
Yellow fever in Tennessee? Malaria in Russia? Chikungunya in northern Italy? There is no denying the fact that mosquito-borne diseases once thought of as strictly tropical now conquer cooler climes. The World Health Organization blames global warming, but Paul Reiter, writing for the Straits Times, suggests that that the spread of mosquito-borne diseases has more to do with the dramatic increase...
Jimmy Lee Shreeve August 30, 2007
Imagine a food market with fewer apples, nuts, soybeans, asparagus, squash, tomatoes, citrus fruit, strawberries or melons. People may not notice small insects in the course of daily life, but alarm would emerge if species of bees suddenly vanished. Wildflowers and many agricultural plants depend on bees for pollination and production of seed. “It's hard to believe that one small creature...
Nathan Gardels August 24, 2007
China’s communist form of government is secure as long as the economy grows, steadily supplying jobs and opportunity. Multinational firms set up shop in China, pressuring factories and workers to deliver products quickly at low costs. But a string of problems – including counterfeit medicines, poisonous pet food, dangerous tires, toothpaste laced with anti-freeze and children’s toys covered in...
Paul Mooney August 23, 2007
As lead exporter in many types of products, China takes pride in serving as factory to the world. But a spate of tainted products and recalls involving goods made in China gives many global consumers pause. China’s reaction includes denials, scapegoating and even the fast execution of one government official accused of taking bribes to allow production of shoddy goods. But the government has also...