In The News

Michael Skapinker August 13, 2019
Businesses and societies depend on economic growth for jobs, investment and savings. Globalization – including the flow of images of personal behavior, cultural diversity and emphasis on healthy lifestyles – may be pushing the alcohol industry into decline with as much as half the world reporting not drinking at all for religious, cultural or economic reasons in 2018. Drinking alcohol starts...
August 8, 2019
Rising temperatures, linked to pressures on fertile soil, are putting world food security at risk, notes a special report on climate change and land by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. More than 100 authors reviewed research on land. The UN urges sustainable land use and limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Humans impact more than 70 percent of land’s ice-free surface, and about...
Somini Sengupta and Weiyi Cai August 6, 2019
About 25 percent of the world’s human population confronts severe water shortages. The Water Resources Institute reports that 17 nations are under extremely high water stress. Reasons for shortages vary including waste, pollution and excessive reliance on groundwater. “Climate change heightens the risk,” report Somini Sengupta and Weiyi Cai for the New York Times. “As rainfall becomes more...
Rajkumar Singh August 2, 2019
Women represent nearly half the world’s population yet confront inequities that include dowry requirements, female infanticide and sex-elected abortions as well as with health, poverty, education and domestic violence. Women should understand that globalization favors self-reliant and self-regulated economic enterprises, suggests Rajkumar Singh, a professor of political science. Securing human...
Yen Nee Lee July 31, 2019
Investors are alert to any signs of a global recession and decline in economic growth. A research and analytics unit under S&P Global suggests that companies that have skipped the crediting rating process in taking on debt could be signaling signs of troubles. Credit ratings provide an independent assessment on the ability to repay debt, and low interest rates and attempts by central banks to...
James Politi July 28, 2019
Donald Trump wants the United States to lead in all trade matters and he is criticizing the World Trade Organization for allowing too many nations claim developing-economy status that provides special treatment. These benefits include “procedural advantages in disputes, softer tariff cuts, the ability to maintain export subsidies and weaker commitments in negotiations”. Trump specifically noted...
July 26, 2019
Europe and the United States are contending with record temperatures. The Economist argues that governments should prepare populations for heat waves which can exacerbate illnesses and produce death tolls equal or greater to floods or storms, albeit over the course of a few days. Fortunately, with accurate and early forecasts, governments can alert people to people to stay indoors, seek cool...