In The News

Swaminathan Natarajan March 20, 2020
One out of seven people around the world, about 30 percent of the world’s urban population, lives in close quarters with minimal access to ventilation, sewage facilities or clean water, all of which help prevent spread of disease. Writing for BBC News, Swaminathan Natarajan describes a family of eight living in a one-room home with no running water, electricity or waste collection. Soap is a...
Gideon Lichfield March 19, 2020
COVID-19 moves around the globe, disrupting economies. Outbreaks could continue through August. To battle the disease, communities practice self-isolation. The goal: Prevent a rush on hospitals. Imperial College London researchers urge monitoring intensive-care unit admissions like the weather, relying on extreme social distancing measures when admissions are high and pulling back when those are...
Steven Erlanger March 19, 2020
The abrupt coronavirus outbreak poses a tough test for the EU’s solidarity and democracy as well as its US alliance. Italy, where the outbreak is most severe, asked for aid from fellow EU members without success. Germany and France restricted the export of healthcare goods while Austria and the Czech Republic banned travelers from Italy. On the other hand, China immediately sent medical experts...
Robert Armstrong March 18, 2020
Global and community leaders most understand the nature of the COVID-19 crisis to develop effective strategies. The crisis calls for global cooperation rather than competition. People may pursue fewer person-to-person connections, but will still rely on global communications and data on best practices. “The virus has revealed the hidden costs and fragility of global supply chains, triggering a ‘...
Colleen Moriarty March 17, 2020
COVID-19 emerged in November, soon spreading throughout China and the world, disrupting home and business routines. Citizens are naturally anxious about a disease that can be fatal for those over age 65 and others with compromised immune systems. People will do best to remain calm as they plan for disruptions that could last weeks or months, explains Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist...
Liza Lin and Joyu Wang March 17, 2020
China reports a slowing of COVID-19 with strict quarantine measures. Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which share strong ties with China, reported infections early on, yet relied on less rigid measures and now report new waves of infections, assumed to be from incoming travelers. "We are not safe in any place until everyone all over the world is safe," explained Paul Anatharajah Tambyah...
Jonathan Lis and Chaim Levinson March 16, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic may have ushered the end to Benjamin Netanyahu’s lock on Israel’s government along with efforts to avoid a trial for corruption. A close majority of Knesset lawmakers gave a go-ahead to Kahol Lavan Chairman Benny Gantz in forming a government. Two elections during the past year failed to produce a clear winner and a governing coalition. Gantz promised to “form a national...