In The News

Margaret Wente October 2, 2018
Canada reflects on its relationship with the United States and the behavior of its own leaders after tough negotiations with the Trump administration. Chrystia Freeland is listed among the winners after the negotiations for managing to complete a deal and promote Canada’s world view – Freeland had initially proposed chapters on the environment, gender, indigenous communities and an end to US anti...
Uri Friedman September 26, 2018
The US president’s speech before the UN General Assembly undercut the organization’s mission of global cooperation. Instead, he lashed out at what he called an unelectable bureaucracy, lacking accountability: “We reject the ideology of globalism and accept the doctrine of patriotism.” Uri Friedman writes for the Atlantic: “More than going after a specific leader or country, Trump used this year’s...
Daniel González September 7, 2018
As candidate, Donald Trump rejected conventional wisdom that immigration strengthens the United States and promised limits. Harsh policies targeting and separating families have followed. In the spring, US agents stopped asylum seekers at the border, separating children from parents, without explanation or a system for reunification. The courts blocked that policy, but more than 400 children are...
Sonam Sheth and Eliza Relman April 19, 2018
With evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, global audiences pay attention to US policies and messages on the subject. The Trump administration had made plans for a new round of sanctions for Russia after a suspected chemical attack in Syria. US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced the sanctions without knowing that Donald Trump had reversed the...
Nahal Toosi, Ted Hesson and Sarah Frostenson April 16, 2018
The United States is granting visitor visas at a lower rate to applicants from around the world, according to Politico’s analysis of State Department data – a trend suggesting that government officials have adopted President Donald Trump’s hardline attitude toward immigration, legal or otherwise. Due to limited information, the writers could not determine how much of the downward turn is due to...
Shawn Tully March 20, 2018
A rising US stock market hinges on a treacherous mound of debt growing due to recent tax cuts for corporations and workers. “The U.S. government’s huge and growing budget deficits have become gargantuan enough to threaten the great American growth machine,” writes Shawn Tully for Fortune magazine. “On our current course, we’re headed for a morass of punitive taxes, puny growth, and stagnant...
Suzy Khimm March 6, 2018
US courts are providing checks, balances and brakes on the Trump administration’s agenda to reverse policies of previous presidents. “In recent weeks, federal judges have blocked the administration's attempts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), postpone a rule giving low-income families broader access to housing in wealthier neighborhoods, and delay an...