India is providing a range of military aid to Myanmar, including aircraft, weapons, software, communications and surveillance equipment, and training. The goal is to counterbalance years of aid – and resource investment – by China. Myanmar will also host a base for an Indian training team, and...
Click here for the article in The Times of India.
Tourism is a major source of revenue and employment, particularly for the developing nations of the world. Historic monuments, sandy beaches, snow-covered mountains and tropical vegetation attract millions of tourists from rich countries seeking novelty and adventure while bringing in precious...
On water's edge: With its long sandy beaches, Cancun is Mexico's top tourist attraction but rising sea level could imperil its future
FRANKFURT: Tourism is one industry which has seen a phenomenal growth in an...
今日,美国与朝鲜外交官员在纽约举行会谈,商讨是否重启旨在遏制朝鲜核野心的六方会谈。媒体和外交界同时将目光聚焦于中国:西方国家希望中国对其东面邻国朝鲜的恣意妄为予以斥责,让它安安分分。韩国驻中国特派记者李成贤(Sunny Lee)解释说,中国对朝鲜的影响力是个未知数。来自北京方面的强大压力可能会激怒这个躁动不安的政权,但不会招致什么损失。李指出,中国向朝鲜提供粮食、燃料等物质援助并给予其忠告,希望以此避免动乱、革命乃至战争的爆发,此举最为符合中国的国家利益。中国的影响力到底有多大,很快便能从朝鲜计划再度进行核试验的谣言中得到验证。此次核试验旨在树立下一届领导层的威信,...
借用温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)...
Understanding global demographic trends is essential for government and business planners, offering insights into resolving numerous challenges. World population growth is slightly ahead of what was projected a few years ago, reports demographer Joseph Chamie. More than half the world lives in...
Planning ahead: Population predictions help governments plan education, housing, retirement and other programs; residents in Manila gather at a water distribution center during a drought, and Nigeria’s population is expected to double by 2050 (...
India has blocked a massive World Trade Organization deal designed to reduce subsidies for agriculture goods, thus boosting trade for the world’s poorest nations. WTO decisions require consensus of all members. The deadlock after years of negotiation risks “plunging the body back into a crisis of...
Click here for the article in Financial Times.
Extremists continue to demonstrate that they can thwart the technological superiority of the modern world. The radicals may not gain much in the way of territory or even converts to their cause, but they certainly needle world leaders and instigate fear among substantial segments of populations of...
Click here for the original article on The Washington Post's website.
Media reports on Google’s redirecting internet searches by Chinese authorities to its uncensored site in Hong Kong have largely presented it as a conflict between two global titans. But the narrow focus of such reporting overlooks that Google’s pull-out was limited, leaving many services in place,...
Searching for new home: Google's empty office in Beijing after it moved part of its search operation to Hong Kong
NEW YORK: After negotiations failed over uncensored internet searches for China, Google stepped away from China’s web, and news reports...
Nations are competing to launch 5G networks and anticipate a burst of spin-off innovations contributing to economic growth. South Korea is the first to launch a 5G network described as 20 times faster than the current 4G, or fourth-generation networks. Each generation enables new technologies and...