The growing realities of world geopolitics have given non-traditional languages an elevated profile in the US-waged war on terrorism. The recent revelation that over 123,000 hours of FBI-collected audiotapes of terrorist "chatter" had been left untranslated has further sparked a movement...
MONTEREY - If the United States is going to win the war with Islamic
extremism, it will need a lot more soldiers like Aimee Sullivan. Her weapon
of choice is not an automatic rifle or an armored...
Laser pointers, a tool for business, are being used as a weapon. Pilots have filed reports about laser lights targeting their plans while flying over Europe, Japan and the United States. The light can flood cockpits, causing distraction and momentary vision problems. “Laserlike beams, possibly from...
Read the article from Kyodo News.
Hong Kong’s peaceful protests over one law, allowing extradition of those charged with crimes to China, began in June and has since disintegrated into use of force, violence and resentment over any Chinese control at all. Riot police have surrounded Polytechnic University, trapping protesters and...
Smartphones and social media by their very nature are like slot machines, enticing users to check for updates and news, explains Tristan Harris for Spiegel Online, describing intermittent variable rewards and need for social approval. The technology, like magicians, gives users the illusion of...
Read the article.
国际社会质疑巴基斯坦对其日益壮大的核武库的控制能力,这使巴基斯坦感到愤怒。布鲁斯•里德尔(Bruce Riedel)是布鲁金斯学会萨班中东政策研究中心资深研究员,新书《僵局:巴基斯坦、美国以及全球圣战的未来》的作者。他指出,虽然民主选举的文官领导人具有名义上的权威,但军方领导人却掌握着核武器。外部原因在过去被看作是建造核武器的正当理由,但巴基斯坦日益认识到,内部威胁可能超过外部威胁。巴基斯坦最大省份旁遮普的地方长官遭其精锐卫兵的刺杀,这引起更多对敏感位置人事审查机制和未经授权的核技术转让的质疑。这一问题又因为美国在南亚次大陆摇摆不定的政策而变得更加扑朔迷离。...
但国际社会却质疑巴基斯坦的控制能力:核武器会不会落入巴基斯坦国内反对者的手中?巴基斯坦最大的省旁遮普省(Punjab)的地方长官萨勒曼・塔西尔(Salman Taseer)被自己的卫兵暗杀。...
Military maneuvers continue in the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and the East China Sea, as China, the United States and others manage a pandemic response. “The frequency of such tours has raised concerns among military observers and analysts that these exercises could lead to miscalculation...
Palm oil farmers in Malaysia and Indonesia continue to set fires to clear land, with some getting out of control. A blanket of smog creeps over the region, drifting into Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore, a source of investment funds for the plantations, has passed laws allowing complaints about...
Read the article in the Economist.
In the fire-breathing style that has become the hallmark of North Korean propaganda, an unofficial spokesman of the country threatened retaliatory attack on the US mainland if Washington decided to hit its nuclear reactor. Not that the US is planning to do that but the danger is that an...
Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.